
People's Voice

People's Voice Logo

Join People's Voice and you will get:

  • opportunities to have your say in the way that works for you
  • to take part in focus groups, surveys, interviews or in other ways to help make a change on topics that are most important to you
  • invitations to attend events and help decide what areas are most important
  • an opportunity to represent the community on our Involvement Board
  • access to our bimonthly newsletters, which are co-produced by a group of People’s Voice members. The newsletter keeps you up to date with information and articles about topics chosen by People’s Voice members

Who can join

Anyone with experience of adult social care can join People's Voice. This includes carers.

We can support you to take part

Whatever your requirements, we will support you to take part where we can. For example, we have meetings in accessible venues and can provide British Sign Language, large print or Easy Read documents.

Ready to join?

Please complete the People's Voice application form to register 

Additional Information 

Opportunities to get involved

Apply for scrutiny advisor roles:

We are looking for two Barnet residents with lived experience of using health and or adult social care services to become special advisors for health and social care to Barnet Council scrutiny committees. 

Please view the accompanying advertisement and role description for additional information.

To apply, please fill out the online form below by 11:59 p.m. on November 12, 2023.

For those interested in learning more about the role, we are hosting an online information session. This will take place on October 30th from 1pm to 2pm. 

Please contact us directly at for a link to the information session or to arrange a phone discussion about the role.