
Adult social care

Homecare charges letter

We have sent some letters out in error.

You may have received a letter telling you about an increase in homecare charges. Unless you pay for your care in full, you can ignore this letter.

You will receive another letter from us confirming this, with an apology.

We are sorry for any stress this may have caused.

Please email us if you have any queries.

What we do

We want Barnet to be an even better place to live and to promote independence and well-being for its residents.

Professional referral

If you are a care professional, you can make a referral to us.

Report adult abuse

If you are worried or concerned report it to us.

Couple smiling

Stay connected and well

Maximise your independence and well-being by staying connected in the community.

Young carer holding older women hand

Caring for someone

Find ways to get help in your caring role if you look after or support someone with their day-to-day life.

Elderly man with carer

Changes to adult social care

Find out what's changing for adult social care

Two men sitting next to each other

The right home for you

Get equipment and technology to help stay in your home for longer. Discover flexible housing and housing support options. Get ready to come home from hospital.

Older male smiling

Money and legal matters

Understand what benefits you can claim for, find out how to fund the cost of care and how to manage your financial affairs. 

Group of hands in the middle of a circle

Specialist support

Get information, advice and support for Alzheimers/Dementia, mental health, learning disabilities, hearing impaired, registering a disability and end of life planning

Have your say

You can help us shape and improve adult social care and health services for everyone. 

Employment, training

Find your place in the workforce. Take part in training to update your skills.

Keeping safe

What to do if you or someone you know feels unsafe or is at risk.