
Council Leader statement on Antisemitism


Yesterday (10 February) the Community Security Trust, a charity that monitors antisemitism, released their annual report on antisemitic incidents in the UK.

The report shows that 2021 was the worst year on record for antisemitism in the UK – with 2,255 incidents taking place across the country and 423 having taken place in Barnet.

Councillor Daniel Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council, said:

“I was appalled to read that so many antisemitic incidents had happened in Barnet in 2021, and that the number had nearly doubled compared with 2020.

“Nobody should be made to feel unsafe in Barnet, and I will continue to make sure the Council does all it can, alongside our partners in the police – and of course the community – to root antisemitism out from the borough.

“I am proud that more Jews have decided to make Barnet their home than in any other local authority in the UK, and will do everything within my power to make sure that Barnet is and remains the best place in the country to be Jewish.”