
The census is here


Census Day is Sunday 21 March

Census Day is Sunday 21 March

Census 2021 is in full swing in Barnet. The letters, with unique access codes, have all gone out to Barnet households and responses are already coming in.

Your answers to the census questions will help organisations understand the services needed and make decisions on planning and funding in your local area, including transport, education, healthcare and community services.

Every household should complete the census on Sunday 21 March 2021 or as soon as possible after. 

It takes just 10 minutes to take part and if you can’t get online, there are paper forms available for those who need them.

To complete your census, and to find out how you can get help, visit or call 0800 141 2021.

Census Support Centres are also here to help if you are not confident online, don’t have a computer or need help completing the paper form.

Barnet’s Census Support Centres are: