
Freedom of Information Request

Barnet Housing Allocation Scheme

Received: 17 February 2025

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could you provide the following:1. The number of homelessness applicants to the Barnet Housing Allocation Scheme on the basis of fleeing domestic abuse in 2024/2025, 2023/2024, and 2022/2023.a. Of these applicants, and for each year, please provide the number who were allocated to the following Barnet Housing Bands:i.ii.iii.Bandiv. 1: Urgent Need to Move due to Reasonable Preference plus Additional Preference and Has a Residential 2: Need to move - Reasonable Preference plusix. Community Contribution and Has a Residential Connectionx.xi.xii.xiii.Band 3: Need to move: a) Reasonable Preferencexiv. but without a Community Contribution b) Right to Move Applicants c) Has a Residential Connectionxv.xvi.xvii.xviii.Band 4: Need to move - Reasonable Preference butxix. with Reduced Priorityxx.2. The number of housing applicants on the Scheme due to fleeing from domestic abuse who were housed by the council in emergency/hotel accommodation in 2024/2025, 2023/2024, and 2022/2023.3. The number of housing applicants on the Scheme due to fleeing from domestic abuse who were housed in long-term accommodation in 2024/2025, 2023/2024, and 2022/2023.Please provide this information in an Excel format.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download