EHCP data as of 06/12/2024
Received: 6 January 2025
For all questions, please provide the data as of 06.12.2025.1) How many children in your borough have an EHCP?2) How many children with an EHCP are statutory school age (5-16)?3) How many children with an EHCP attend a specialist school (number and percentage equivalent)4) How many children with an EHCP, who are statutory school age, are registered as Electively Home Educated?5) How many children with an EHCP, who anre statutory school age are registered as Children Missing Education?6) How many children with an EHCP, who are statutory school age, are persistently absent from school (an attendance of 90% or below)?7) How many children with an EHCP, who are statutory school age have been suspended from school in the Autumn Term 2024 (Sep-Dec24)8) How many children with an EHCP, who are statutory school age are attending an Alternative Provision?9) How many children with an EHCP, aged 16+ are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)?10) The number of children with an EHCP in residential special schools.11) What is the current waiting list for a child in your borough to access: A) Speech and Language Therapy, B) Physiotherapy C) Occupational therapy
Outcome / Documents
- Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download