Request on casualties - traffic and health & safety
Received: 6 December 2024
I should like to request the following information concerning traffic and health & safety incidents that took place on following adjoining county roads only, in East Finchley, N2, during the last ten years:Durham Road, N2Hertford Road, N2Bedford Road, N2Huntington Road, N2Leicester Road, N2Lincoln Road, N2My request falls into two categories:1. Traffici.The number and type of casualties caused by moving vehicles, and how many involved pedestrians2. Pavementsi.The number and type of casualties caused by poorly maintained pavements (e.g., uneven or unswept)ii.The number of reports of poorly maintained pavements to the Counciliii.The number and total value of compensation claimsThe timeframe is the decade from December 2013 to the present.I should like data to be organised by road.