
Freedom of Information Request

Properties owned or occupied by Barnet council

Received: 3 September 2024

Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-How many properties are owned and or occupied by your local billing authority.Please provide a list of address of properties owned and or occupied and advised if they are;A)Owned and occupied by your LAB)Owned by your LA and occupied by someone elseC)Owned by your LA and not occupied D)Owned by someone else and occupied by your LAIn known please include the amount of sq ft of each category as listed above.Please advise if you have property managers and or asset mangers in house or if you use outsourced providers, please advise who this is outsourced to. Please advise if outsourced, is this a tender process and how long is the current contract and what is the finish date.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (cost exceeds limit) - application/pdf - Download