
Freedom of Information Request

Household appliances

Received: 14 August 2024

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the durability and performance of household appliances purchased and maintained by London Borough of Barnet for council properties.Specifically, I request the following information:Purchase Records:*Details of all household appliances purchased for council properties from 2012-2024, including:oDate of purchaseoBrand and model of the applianceoType of appliance (e.g., refrigerator, washing machine)oQuantity purchasedoCost per unit and total expenditureMaintenance and Repair Records:*Records of all maintenance and repair activities carried out on household appliances from 2015, including:oAppliance type, brand, and modeloDate of each repair or maintenance instanceoNature of the repair or maintenanceoCost of each repair or maintenance instanceoFrequency of repairs per appliance type/modelAppliance Replacement Records:*Data on the replacement of household appliances within council properties, including:oDate of replacementoReason for replacement (e.g., end of life, breakdown, inefficiency)oLifespan (duration between purchase and replacement)oAny warranties used for replacementResident Feedback and Complaints:*Summaries of any resident complaints or feedback regarding household appliances from 2012, including:oNumber and nature of complaints per appliance type/brand/modeloAny surveys or reports on tenant satisfaction with appliancesEnergy Efficiency and Performance Evaluations:*Any reports, assessments, or evaluations conducted by the council on the energy efficiency, performance, and durability of household appliances in council properties from 2012-2024.If any of the above information is not available, please provide any available data that may be relevant to the durability and performance of appliances in council properties. If fulfilling this request would exceed the cost limit, I would appreciate advice on how it can be refined to comply with the limit. I would prefer to receive the information in electronic format. If any part of this request is unclear, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download