
Freedom of Information Request

Supporting Documents: 23_1285 Personal Circumstances Document P01.pdf / Planning Appeal ref: 24/00180/AREF or APP/N5090/W/24/3346789

Received: 9 August 2024

Supporting Documents: 23_1285 Personal Circumstances Document P01.pdf / Planning Appeal ref: 24/00180/AREF or APP/N5090/W/24/3346789 12712348 I would like to receive a copy of the above mentioned personal circumstances document that forms part of the planning appeal referenced above for the planning application 23/3816/FULThe applicant is relying on these personal circumstances in order to demonstrate the considerations he believes are sufficient enough to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt so that very special circumstances do exist. In order for us to be able to comment fully on this planning application we must have all the information available that relate to the reasons why he believes these special circumstances exist.Thank you for considering my request.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (information exempt) - application/pdf - Download