
Freedom of Information Request

Mural - Edgware Station

Received: 26 July 2024

Charter House, 158 Station Road, Edgware HA8 7AWA Mural has appeared on the end face of this building, overlooking Edgware Station and you have told me that the council spent £14760 on thus (Inc VAT). You received my further request on 28/6/24 in which i asked "What is the estimated return to the councils budget that will be financial benefit to the council-tax payer?" Your response does not answer this question.You told me that, in general, the value of culture has been documented by the Arts Council. You quoted a further but separate example involving the Arts Depot where providing a small fund enabled a larger grant to be obtained.Whereas I have no reason to dispute both of these laudable aims, they are relevant to my question. As a Council Tax Payer i have no need of the mural and derive no benefit from it. I actually find it disorientating since it invites me to stop and smell flowers, the only examples of which in the vicinity are those sold by the private retail stall in the station forecourt. In that case, is the mural a Council-funded advert for this private vendor?As a council tax payer I need to know that this expenditure of my money, itself of no benefit to the community in general or me in particular, will be recouped and possibly with an additional return on the investment. For the avoidance of doubt, this is the reasoning behind my question and I look forward to a relevant reply.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download