
Freedom of Information Request

Implementation of the 'biodiversity duty' of the 2021 Environment Act.

Received: 12 July 2024

I would like to make a Freedom of Information request to the council with respect to the implementation of the 'biodiversity duty' of the 2021 Environment Act.The duty requires public authorities to undertake a first consideration by January 1 2024. Did the council produce its own first consideration report or document by that date? If so, I would like to make a request for any such report or document. How many meetings did council officials and elected politicians undertake with respect to the first consideration?The duty asks that public authorities "must agree...policies and objectives as soon as possible after [January 1 2024]". I would like to request information about how many meetings have been undertaken by council officials and ministers to that end in addition to individual summaries of those meetings. Has the council agreed policies and objectives related to the duty? If so, I would like to request a summary of those policies.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download