
Freedom of Information Request

Relief for Film and TV Studios

Received: 18 April 2024

Good morning,Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-I write in reference to the recent announcement in the spring budget that film and tv studios will receive 40% rate relief. Please can you confirm the following:.1.Is Business Rates Relief: Film and TV Studio for the current 2024/25 rate year automatically awarded or does it need to be requested/applied for by the rate payer or their agent.2.If automatically awarded, please specify the exact criteria that is required in order to qualify for the Film and TV Studio relief. 3.Will it be automatically awarded by description (as entered into the list by the valuation office agency), SCAT code or by other means and if so please specify specific criteria is required in order to qualify for the Film and TV Studio relief. 4.If the property is described as warehouse and premises but is used and occupied by a TV and Film studio would this be eligible for relief?5.How long will the relief be applied for?Kind regards,

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download