How we identified which buildings are in scope
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How we surveyed buildings in Barnet
Following a data request from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHCLG) our officers carried out desktop surveys, followed by on-site inspections of those buildings within the criteria. We surveyed over 200 buildings that fell into the criteria and initially identified approximately 130 in scope buildings.
We continue to update this data as and when more information is supplied. The data is reported to DLUHC through their Delta system.
What is the criteria
For a block to be considered in scope it must be:
- over 18m high (measured from ground level to the floor level of highest unit)
- in residential use or be for student accommodation or a hotel
The materials used for the cladding, insulation and build of the balconies formed part of the data collection exercise.
What the government do with our survey data
The report is used to understand the scale of the problem and help focus dialogue with building owners to recognise the problem and get it fixed.
DLUHC use the data to update the government and flag in particular which buildings have aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding.
The remediation funding process is separate to any data collection exercise.