Temporary Traffic Order application
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About Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO)
TTROs (Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders) are issued to put a temporary restriction along the highway. This includes limiting vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
It's legislated under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
TTROs can also be used to temporarily suspend permanent restrictions such as a permanent banned right turn.
The most common types of TTROs are:
- loading bay suspensions
- road closures
- banning left/right turns
- temporary reduce speed limit
- yellow line restrictions/suspensions
Applying for a TTRO
In order to successfully get a TTRO license, you must ensure you fill out the application form accurately.
You should also carry out a coordination check using one.network to make sure your application from isn't rejected.
LBB Policy states 6 to 8 weeks lead in time for all applications.
Make sure you include your traffic management plan and a copy of the notification to residents/businesses.
If you don't have a PAA in place for the works, your TTRO will be rejected.
If your works are postponed, you must inform us a minimum of 21 days before your operational date for the fee to be refunded.
Provisional Advance Authorisation (PAA)
Only larger events or works that are likely to be more disruptive require a PAA.
If you are required to have a PAA, you'll need to submit this alongside your application form.
Once your Provisional Advance Authorisation (PAA) has been granted, you can submit the completed application form to TTRO@barnet.gov.uk
If you don't have a PAA in place for the works and you need one, your TTRO will be rejected.
Emergency TTROs
Emergency TTROs are valid for up to 21 days and you must submit your application form and be ready to make payment by card.
This must be within 2 hours of the temporary restriction being installed.
Fees and charges
Find out more about highways fees and charges