Using Public Rights of Way
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About your Public Rights of Way rights
The public’s right over a PROW is to pass and repass. Other forms of use may be considered trespass.
There are a number of activities you can do along a PROW that aren't considered trespass. For example:
- taking a photograph
- having a picnic
- stopping to look at the view
- resting
Cycling along a PROW is restricted to bridleways, Restricted Byways (RB) and Byways Open to all Traffic (BOATs).
You can't ride, push or carry a bicycle along a public footpath.
Dogs are allowed on all PROW.
Dogs should be restricted to within the width of the PROW and any deviation is considered trespass against the landowner.
The dog doesn't need to be on a lead when on a PROW, but it should be under control at all times.
You should always pick up after your dog.
Pushchairs and wheelchairs
Pushchairs, wheelchairs and motorised mobility scooters are allowed on all PROW.
Some paths might not be suitable if there are stiles or the surface is uneven.
Unauthorised vehicles
Motorbikes and cars using a footpath, bridleway or RB without permission is an offence and should be reported to the police.