Finance and business planning Equality Impact Assessments 2023/24
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Finance and Business Equality Impact Assessments 2023/24
The council undertakes Equality Impact Assessments (EqIAs) to help us understand the impact of new proposals and changes to service delivery on people in Barnet based on:
- age
- ethnicity
- disability
- gender reassignment
- pregnancy and maternity
- marriage and civil partnerships
- religion or belief
- sex and sexual orientation
Adults and safeguarding
EqIA_A&S39_Increased joint working with housing to increase access to social housing (ODT, 89 KB)
EqIA_A&S35_Adult Social Care Debt Recovery (ODT, 118 KB)
EqIA_A&S38_Employment and Day Opportunities (ODT, 92 KB)
EqIA_A&S32_Progression for people with a Mental Health support need (ODT, 87 KB)
EqIA_A&S13_Procurement of care and support at Atholl House Extra Care Housing Scheme in Burnt Oak (ODT, 95 KB)
EqIA_A&S31_Enhanced Prevention Offer (ODT, 87 KB)
EqIA_A&S22_Progression for people with a learning disability (ODT, 90 KB)
Housing and growth
H&GS7 EqIA Growth and Development Delvery of 52 new homes on Hemitage Lane (ODT, 45 KB)
H&GS8 EqIA Acquisition of affordable housing from the open market (ODT, 45 KB)
Policy and resources
EqIA fees and charges (ODT, 1 MB)
EqIA Leisure Services Fees and Charges (ODT, 93 KB)