Library services for teenagers
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Teenage books and DVDs
Need help to find a great book to read? Our recommended reading for teenagers has lots of good books to try.
You can set up email alerts before your items are due to remind you to renew and avoid paying fines. Find out more
eBooks and eAudiobooks
Check out our huge range of online books and audiobooks
If you don't have a library card you can join online and start borrowing straight away.
Digital magazines and newspapers
Download the latest magazines and newspapers from around the world to read on your own device, all for free!
- Playstation magazine
- Mojo
- BBC History
- Digital Photographer,
- Science Focus
- Total Guitar
- and lots more
These are all available from our Pressreader and Libby apps, with complimentary access using your library card and PIN.
You can also search European Newsstream for newspaper articles from the last 20 plus years.
Find out about our latest events.
Homework help
We have a range of free resources for your homework and study. You can use online dictionaries, encyclopaedia, biographies and learn a language. All you need is your Barnet library card
BBC Bitesize has clips on a range of subjects for KS3 and GCSE including English, Maths and Science.
Need help with your homework? Email with your questions and we’ll recommend some good resources to help.
Learning to drive
You can practice for your theory test with our questions and mock tests including the hazard perception on Theory Test Pro
Supporting young people's mental health
Reading Well
Reading Well is a collection of books for 13 to 18 year olds. The books give advice and information about issues and experiences including:
- anxiety
- low self-esteem
- bullying
- eating disorders
- exam stress
You can borrow books from the Reading Well collection in our libraries, through our free eBook app, Libby or you can request an item via our Select and Collect service.
Online safety
There are lots of great websites to help you stay safe online. They offer advice, support and guidance for young people. Here are some we recommend: